Article Processing Charges (APC) Information

Pharmacologia publishes all articles in a comprehensive open-access format, operating under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) . This enables unrestricted, cost-free, and immediate access to scholarly articles for the scientific community and the general public. Moreover, this license permits the content to be reused, provided that appropriate acknowledgment is given to the original source.

In order to sustain the provision of our high-quality publishing services and facilitate free access to readers, authors are required to pay a one-time article processing charge for manuscripts accepted after undergoing a thorough peer-review process. It is important to note that there are no fees associated with rejected articles, no charges for article submissions, and no additional costs based on the length of an article, the inclusion of figures, or supplementary data.

Publication Fee

One-time Non-Refundable Article Processing/Publication Charges: 250USD per article.

APCs Coverage detail

  • Editorial Services: APCs support the administration and management of the editorial process, including the handling of manuscript submissions, coordination of peer review, and editorial decision-making.
  • Typesetting and Formatting: APCs cover the expenses of typesetting and formatting the accepted manuscripts to meet the journal's style guidelines. This ensures a consistent and professional appearance of the published articles.
  • Copyediting and Language Editing: The charges often include professional copyediting services to enhance the manuscript’s clarity, coherence, and grammar. Language editing may also be provided to improve the readability and fluency of non-native English submissions.
  • Digital Publishing and Online Hosting: APCs support the online publication of articles, including creating digital versions, hosting them on the journal's website, and ensuring their long-term availability.
  • DOI Assignment: The fees cover the assignment of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to articles, making them easily citable and identifiable.
  • Indexing and Abstracting Services: APCs often facilitate the inclusion of articles in renowned indexing databases, enhancing their discoverability and visibility among researchers, practitioners, and other stakeholders.
  • Open Access Licensing: The charges cover the implementation of open access licensing, such as Creative Commons licenses, allowing readers to freely access, share, and reuse the published content while properly attributing the original authors.

Discount/Waiver Policy

To promote global inclusivity in scholarly communication, the Pharmacologia provides a 20% discount on Article Processing Charges (APCs) to researchers from low-income and lower-middle-income countries, as defined by the World Bank's classification . Authors residing in these countries can take advantage of reduced article processing charges (APCs), which makes publishing their research more affordable.

Return and Refund Policy

Once a manuscript is accepted for publication by the editorial office, the corresponding author is responsible for paying the article processing charge (APC). Pharmacologia does not return/refund paid publication fees.