Research Article | Open Access

Prophylactic Potential of Tender Coconut Water on Haematology Disorder in Benzene-Induced Lymphoid Malignancy in Wister Rats

    Emmanuel Chinedu Onuoha

    Department of Haematology, Faculty of Medical Laboratory, Federal University, Otuoke, Bayelsa, Nigeria

    Ezekiel Fayiah Hallie

    School of Pharmacy, University of Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia

    Favour Kelechi Edeh

    Department of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, Faculty of Public Health, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria

23 Jan, 2023
25 Jun, 2023
07 Jul, 2023

Background and Objective: Tender coconut water has been associated with various health and medicinal benefits. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluatethe prophylactic potential of tender coconut water on haematology disorder in benzene-induced lymphoid malignancy in rats in order to ascertain the potential therapeutic effect of coconut water in these disease conditions. Materials and Methods: Eighteen Wistar rats (170-200 g) were divided into 3 groups, namely: Negative control, positive control and phytopreventive with each group consisting of six rats. Pretreatment with 10, 20 and 30 mL kg–1 body weight of fresh Malayan green dwarf hybridized tender coconut water daily for 4 weeks before benzene-induced lymphoid malignancy 48 hourly for 4 weeks. Complete blood counts for haematological parameters were determined by Sysmex haematology autoanalyzer XP-300 (Kobe, Japan). Results: The total white blood cells, lymphocytes and platelets were significantly higher in the positive control compared to the negative control and phytopreventive group (p<0.05). The haematocrit value, haemoglobin value, red blood cell count and neutrophils were also significantly lower in positive control than the negative control and phytopreventive group (p<0.01, 0.05) while different white cell types and red blood cell indices were not significant (p>0.05). Induction of lymphoid malignancy in Wistar rats was successful. However, phytopreventive shows restoration of normal histology of the lymphatic organs without expression of the p53 gene and Bcl-2 except 20 and 30 mL kg–1 doses in the spleen that showed vacuities indicating 10 mL kg–1 body weight doses as preferable. Conclusion: This study has shown that benzene induced lymphoid malignancy is associated with the haematological disorder but was prevented with Malayan green dwarf hybridized tender coconut water with 10 mL kg–1 body weight daily. This has provided a unique approach to lymphoid malignant prevention.

Copyright © 2023 Onuoha et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 


Carcinomas, sarcomas, leukemias and lymphoid malignancy are four main groups of cancer. Cancers of epithelial origin are carcinomas that account for 90% of human malignancies. Solid tumors observed from connective tissues, such as muscle, bone, cartilage and fibrous tissue are called Sarcomas but are very rare in humans. Leukemia is a cancer of blood cell precursors while lymphoid malignancy is cancer arising from cells of the immune system. Leukemias and Lymphoid malignancy account for about 8% of human malignancies1.

Haematopoiesis is a closely controlled phenomenon that yields blood cell production and any disorder can result in abnormal cell distribution and disease2. Blood cell lineages production take place in a haematopoietic stem cell in bone marrow in an orderly manner and any damage induced in haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) results in blood cell cancer which consequently results in altering circulating red blood cells, white blood cells and platelet counts clinically3,4. Presently, a complete blood count is a commonly requested investigation in the clinic that can show us an indication of anemia, cancer or toxin exposure. Hence, changes in the numbers of circulating blood cells in several lineages may reflect toxicity to haematopoietic stem cells in bone marrow5.

Phytochemicals and phytohormones present in coconut water had shown some significant anti-aging, anti-carcinogenic and anti-thrombotic effects that contributed to the various health benefits by previous findings6.

Benzene has been classified as a human hematological carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)7.

There is an increasing attempt to use coconut water in the prevention of various forms of cancer. The mechanism, dose of administration is not known and much attention has not been given to lymphoid malignancy.

Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the phytopreventive effect of Malayan green dwarf hybridized immature coconut water consumption on haematology disorder in benzene-induced lymphoid malignancy in Wistar rats.


Study area: This study was conducted at Pharmacology Department, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce, Amassoma, Bayelsa State, Nigeria from October, 2021 to April, 2022.

Animal collection: Eighteen Wistar rats were breeded in animal house of the Department of Pharmacology, Niger Delta University, Amassoma, Bayelsa State were used in this study. They were randomly selected and divided into 3 groups namely: Negative control, positive control and phytopreventive group with each group consisting of six rats.

Ethical approval: Ethical clearance was obtained from the College Health Research Ethics Committee, College of Health Sciences, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State.

Research protocol: As 10, 20 and 30 mL kg1 body weight of fresh Malayan green dwarf hybridized immature coconut water were given daily via orogastric intubation for four weeks for pretreatment before lymphoid malignancy was induced interperitoneally by administering 0.14 mL kg1 body weight of benzene solution 48 hourly for 4 weeks. After four weeks of benzene induction, the animals were anaesthetized by placing them in a glass chamber containing cotton wool soaked in chloroform. A 25 G needle and a 5 mL syringe were then used to collect blood directly from the heart into an EDTA bottle for a complete blood count. After the animals had been sacrificed, the lymph node, bone marrow, spleen was harvested and immediately fixed in 10% formol saline solution for histology, p53 and Bcl-2 studies. Haematological parameters (complete blood count) were determined by an automated haemtology Analyzer (SYSMEX XP-300, Kobe, Japan), General tissue structure by Haematoxylin and Eosin staining techniques, p53 and Bcl-2 (Cancer Biomarkers) by Immunohistochemistry.

Fresh hybridized coconuts were harvested in the coconut farm in Opume, Ogbia local government of Bayelsa State and was identifiedas a Malayan green dwarf coconut by a plant scientist with code number UILH/001/508/2020. Qualitative and quantitative phytochemicals analysis of the coconut water was done using standard method8.

Statistical analysis: The data obtained were analyzed by SPSS software version 22 at significant level of p<0.05.


The comparison of haematological parameters between Wistar rats without benzene-induction (negative control) and benzene-induced lymphoid malignancy in Wistar rat (positive control) as shown in Table 1. The total white blood cells count, lymphocytes and platelet count were significantly higher in benzene-induced lymphoid malignant Wistar rat (positive control) group than the negative control (p<0.001, 0.05, 0.01) group. The neutrophils, haematocrit value, haemoglobin value and red blood cell count were also significantly lower in the benzene-induced lymphoid malignant Wistar rat group (positive control) than the negative control group (p<0.01, 0.05) while different white cell types (Monocytes, Eosinphil, Basophils), mean cell volume, mean cell haemoglobin and mean cell haemoglobin concentration were not significant.

The comparison of haematological parameters between Benzene-induced lymphoid malignancy in Wistar rat (positive control) and phytopreventive (administration of 10, 20 and 30 mL kg1 body weight of Malayan green dwarf hybridized immature coconut water before induction of benzene in Wistar rat) was shown in Table 2. The total white blood cell count and platelet count were significantly lower in the phytopreventive Wistar rat group than the benzene-induced lymphoid malignant Wistar rat (positive control) group (p<0.001, 0.01). The different white blood cells types (Monocytes, Eosinphil, Basophils), mean cell haemoglobin, haematocrit value, haemoglobin value and red blood cell count were also significantly higher in the phytopreventive group than the benzene-induced lymphoid malignant Wistar rat (positive control) (p<0.01, 0.05) group while lymphocytes, neutrophils, mean cell volume and mean cell haemoglobin concentration were not significant.

Comparison of haematological parameters between Wistar rat without benzene induction (negative control) group and phytopreventive group (administration of 10, 20 and 30 mL kg1 body weight of malayan green dwarf hybridized immature coconut water before induction of benzene in Wistar rat) as shown in Table 3. The total white blood cells count, different white blood cells types (Monocytes, Eosinphil, Basophil, neutrophils, lymphocytes), Platelets count, haematocrit value, haemoglobin value, red blood cell counts, mean cell haemoglobin, mean cell volume and mean cell haemoglobin concentration in phytopreventive Wistar rat group were not statistically significant compared to the Wistar rat without benzene induction (negative control) (p>0.05).

Table 1: Comparison of haematological parameters between negative control and positive control
Haematology parameters
Negative control
Positive control
White blood cells (109/L)
Lymphocytes (%)
Neutrophils (%)
Mixed (%)
Platelets (109/L)
Haematocrit value (%)
Haemoglobin value (g dL1)
Red blood cells (1012/L)
Mean cell volume (fl)
Mean cell haemoglobin (Pg)
MCHC (g dL1)
*Significant differences at p<0.05 level, aSignificant differences at p<0.001 level, bSignificant differences at p<0.01 level, Mixed: Monocytes, Eosinphil, Basophils, MCHC: Mean cell haemoglobin concentration and N = 12

Table 2: Comparison of haematological parameters between positive control group and phytopreventive group
Haematology parameters
Positive control
White blood cells (109/L)
Lymphocytes (%)
Neutrophils (%)
Mixed (%)
Platelets (109/L)
Haematocrit value (%)
Haemoglobin value (g dL1)
Red blood cells (1012/L)
Mean cell volume (fl)
Mean cell haemoglobin (Pg)
MCHC (g dL1)
*Significant differences at p<0.05 level, aSignificant differences at p<0.001 level, bSignificant differences at p<0.01 level, Mixed: Monocytes, Eosinphil, Basophils, MCHC: Mean cell haemoglobin concentration and N = 12

Table 3: Comparison of haematological parameters between negative control group and the phytopreventive group
Haematology parameters
Negative control
Phytopreventive group
White blood cells (109/L)
Lymphocytes (%)
Neutrophils (%)
Mixed (%)
Platelets (109/L)
Haematocrit value (%)
Haemoglobin value (g dL1)
Red blood cells (1012/L)
Mean cell volume (fl)
Mean cell haemoglobin (Pg)
MCHC (g dL1)
Mixed: Monocytes, Eosinphil, Basophils, MCHC: Mean cell haemoglobin concentration and N = 12

Table 4: Qualitative analysis of coconut water
Amino acids
+: Detected, -: Not detected, GDHICW: Green dwarf hybridized immature coconut water

Table 4 shows qualitative analysis of fresh Malayan green dwarf hybridized immature coconut water with the following bioactive phytochemical substances: Alkaloids, Tanins, Saponins, Terpernoids, Coumarins, Steroids, Flavanoids, Phenolics and Glycosides.

Quantitative phytochemical analysis of fresh Malayan green dwarf hybridized immature coconut water with a mean value of bioactive phytochemical substances: 74.42±132.75 as shown in Table 5.

The photomicrograph of the transverse section of Wistar rat’s inguinal lymph node of (a) Negative control, (b) Positive control and (c) Phytopreventive group stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E)×400 magnifications was shown in Fig. 1a-c.

Fig. 1(a-c): Photomicrograph of the transverse section of Wistar rat’s inguinal lymph node with Haematoxylin and Eosin
(H&E)×400 magnifications, (a) Negative control: Normal histology of the lymph node with cortex populated
with lymphocytes (LC) display memory cells (M), small non-cleaved cells (SNC), (b) Positive control: A
reactive lymph node with a cortex populated with mixed populations of lymphocytes (LC) displaying
classic mitotic bodies (MC) and multiple nucleations consistent with a reactive process indicating rapid
dividing cells that are evidence of cancer and (c) Phytopreventive group: Restoration of normal histology
of the lymph node with germinal center (GC), fats cells (FC) and perifollicular mantle (PM)

Table 5: Quantitative phytochemicals (μg/100 g) analysis of coconut water in different maturation stage

The photomicrograph of the transverse section of Wistar rat’s spleen of (a) Negative control, (b) Positive control and (c) Phytopreventive group stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E)×400 magnification were shown in Fig. 2a, b, c1, c2 and c3.

The photomicrograph of the transverse section of Wistar rat’s bone of (a) Negative control, (b) Positive control and (c) Phytopreventive group stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E)×400 magnifications was shown in Fig. 3a-c.

Figure 4 showed p53 gene immunohistochemistry of Wistar rat’s inguinal lymph node of (a) Negative control, (b) Positive control and (c) Phytopreventive group.

The Bcl-2 immunohistochemistry of Wistar rat’s inguinal lymph node from group of (a) Negative control, (b) Positive control and (c) Phytopreventive group was shown in Fig. 5a-c.

Fig. 2(a-c): Photomicrograph of the transverse section of Wistar rat’s spleen stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin
(H&E)×400 magnifications, (a) Negative control: Normal histology of the spleen with the tissue
parenchyma contains lymphocytes population, lymphatic nodule (LN), trabecula (TC), central
arterioles (CA) and germinal centre (GM), (b) Positive control: Reactive spleen with the tissue
parenchyma with lymphocytes population, enlarged trabeculae (TC) and mitotic bodies (MC)
consistent with reactive spleen indicating rapid dividing cells, which is evidence of cancer, (c1)
Restoration of normal histology of the spleen with the tissue parenchyma containing
lymphocytes population (LC), lymphatic nodule (LN), central arterioles (CA), trabecula (TC)
and trabeculae artery (TA) and (c2-3) Phytopreventive: 20 and 30 mL kg1 doses shows the
tissue parenchyma with lymphocytes population, lymphatic nodule and hypertrophic central
arterioles indicating vacuities

Fig. 3(a-c): Photomicrograph of the transverse section of Wistar rat’s bone marrow stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin
(H&E)×400 magnifications, (a) Negative control: Normal histology of the bone marrow with haematopoietic
cells (HC) and adipocytes (AC), (b) Positive control: Reactive bone marrow with haematopoietic cells (HC),
invasion of bone marrow by blasts (BL), mitotic bodies (MC) consistent with reactive bone marrow and (c)
Phytopreventive group: Restoration of normal histology of the bone marrow with haematopoietic cells (HC)
and adipocytes (AC)

Fig. 4(a-c): p53 gene immunohistochemistry of Wistar rat’s inguinal lymph node for (a) Negative control: Negative
nuclear immunohistochemistry reaction (black arrow), (b) Positive control: Selective positive nuclear
immunohistochemistry reaction (black arrow) and (c) Phytopreventive group: Restoration of normal
immunohistochemistry of the inguinal lymph node with negative nuclear immunohistochemistry reaction
(black arrow)

Fig. 5(a-c): Bcl-2 immunohistochemistry of Wistar rat’s inguinal lymph node for (a) Negative control: Negative
cytoplasmic staining pattern (black arrow), (b) Positive control: Positive cytoplasmic staining
pattern (black arrow) and (c) Phytopreventive group: Restoration of normal immunohistochemistry
of the inguinal lymph node with a negative cytoplasmic staining pattern (black arrow)


Leucocytosis, thrombocytosis and anaemia associated with benzene-induced lymphoid malignancy were observed to have been prevented in Wistar rats treated with 10, 20 and 30 mL kg1 body weight of Malayan green dwarf hybridized immature coconut water before exposure to benzene inducing agent showed significantly lower in the total white blood cell count, platelets count and significantly higher in haematocrit value, haemoglobin, red blood cell count of Wstar rats in phytopreventive group compared to positive control.

The effect of benzene on haematological parameters could be due to its toxic effect on haematopoietic cells in the bone marrow. This was in agreement with the study that showed that blood is the most essential tissue in the body that alters metabolic activities therefore, the common dependable pointer of the toxic effect of drugs and heavy metals is an alteration in blood parameters and indices9. The phytotherapeutic and phytopreventive effect observed in the haematological parameters in this study could be due to Malayan green dwarf hybridized immature coconut water bioactive phytochemical and phytohormones substances such as Phenolic compounds, Alkaloids, Saponins, Glycosides, Triterpenoids and Gibberellin that possess anticancer properties. Phenolic Compounds express better anticancer activity base on the number of hydroxylic groups found in the compounds10,11. Alkaloids, Saponins, glycosides anticancer mechanism activities are by blocking cell proliferation by inducing cell cycle arrest at the G1 or G2/M phases12-15. Triterpenoids block initiation and promotion of carcinogenesis, create neoplasm cell differentiation and apoptosis16-19. This finding is supported by the report of a previous works conducted by various researchers in which exposure to benzene resulted to thrombocytosis, leucocytosis and anaemia but was ameliorated by natural plant extracts that possess such phytochemical bioactive substances20-23.

Malayan green dwarf hybridized immature (HI) coconut water with the following phytochemical bioactive substances: Alkaloids, Tanins, Saponins, Terpernoids, Coumarins, Steroids, Flavanoids, Phenolics, Glycosides and Phytohormones, Cytokinins, Gibberellins, Ascorbic acid, Apigenin, Rutin, Ferulic Acid was observed to be more beneficial. This could be attributed to the fact that Malayan green dwarf hybridized immature (HI) coconut water has the highest content of phytochemicals and phytohormones. This was inline other previous study on Quantification of Cytokinins in coconut water from different maturation stages of Malaysia’s coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) varieties that show that Malayan green dwarf hybridized immature (HI) coconut water has the highest content of phytohormones24.

Consequently, in this study, the histology reports of inguinal lymph node, spleen, bone marrow in the negative control (Wistar rat without induction of benzene) shows the cortex populated with lymphocytes, displaying memory cells, small non cleaved cell consistent with normal histology of the lymph node as seen in lymph node, the tissue parenchyma with lymphocytes population, lymphatic nodule, trabecule, centralarterioles and germinal center consistent with normal histology of the spleen as observed in spleen and haematopoietic cells, adipocytes as seen in the bone marrow without expression of p53 and Bcl-2 cancer biomarkers.

Furthermore, this study demonstrated the successful induction of lymphoid malignancy in Wistar rats Interperitoneally with 0.14 mL kg1 body weight of benzene 48 hourly for 4 weeks as seen in the histology reports in the inguinal lymph node, spleen and bone marrow in the positive control group (benzene induced) showing the cortex populated with mixed populations of lymphocytes in lymph node, parenchyma with lymphocytes population, enlarged trabeculae in the spleen, haematopoietic cells, adipocytes, megakaryocytes, the invasion of bone marrow by the blasts and all the tissues displaying classic mitotic bodies and multiple nucleations consistent with reactive process indicating rapid dividing cells which is evidence of cancer with overexpression of p53 and Bcl-2 cancer biomarkers. Benzene induced lymphoid malignancy was inconsistent with a previous study where benzene was used to induce leukaemia22.

Overexpression of p53 was in agreement with another study in which it was found that p53 overexpression might be an indicator of cancer that is aggressive and poor prognosis25.

Overexpression of Bcl-2 was in agreement with previous studies in which it was found that overexpression of Bcl-2 is a feature of lymphoid malignancy26 and also Bcl-2 expression by immunohistochemistry was replicable and the results were conformable with those of flow cytometry and immunoblotting27.

However, the histology reports of the inguinallymph node, spleen, bone marrow of phytopreventive showed restoration of normal histology of the lymph node with small non-cleaved cells, lymphoid follicle, lymphocytes, germinal center, fats cells, perifollicular mantle, memory cells and post capillary venule, restoration of normal histology of the spleen with the tissue parenchyma containing lymphocytes population, lymphatic nodule, central arterioles, trabeculae artery except 20 and 30 mL kg1 doses with hypertrophic central arterioles indicating Vacuities. This indicated that 10 mL kg1 doses were preferable, Restoration of normal histology of the bone marrow with haematopoietic cells and adipocytes without expression of the p53 gene and Bcl-2 cancer biomarkers. The restoration of normal histology of the lymph node, spleen and bone marrow by phytopreventive could be that bioactive phytochemical and phytohormone substances in Malayan green dwarf hybridized immature coconut water needed a specific dose to be effective. This was consistent with a study on synergistic and ameliorative effect of honey and coconut water on crude oil induced toxicity in rats where doses of 10 mL kg1 body weight daily was reported28. This imply that Malayan green dwarf hybridized tender coconut water has prophylactic potential on haematology disorder in benzene-induced lymphoid malignancy in Wistar rats with a recommended dose of 10 mL kg1 body weight daily. This is critical information for preventive medicine for human clinical trials. Further study can be done to evaluate the phytotherapeutic potential of Malayan green dwarf hybridized tender coconut water and other species of coconut water can be incorporated.


This study reviews the phyto-preventive properties of Malayan green dwarf hybridized tender coconut water. The recommended doses of Malayan green dwarf hybridized tender coconut water for maximum effect on haematology disorder associated with lymphoid malignancy were 10 mL kg1 body weight daily for phyto-preventive. This study also provides suggestive evidence that benzene can induce lymphoid malignancy.


This study discovers prophylactic potential of Malayan green dwarf hybridized immature (HI) coconut water on haematological disorder associated lymphoid malignancy showing critical information for preventive medicine with doses of 10 mL kg1 body weight. This study will help the researcher to uncover the critical area of the prophylactic potential of coconut water phytochemicals on malignant conditions that many researchers were not able to explore. Thus, a new theory on these coconut water phytochemicals may be arrived at.


Our sincere appreciation to Prof. (Mrs). E.O. Osime in the Medical Laboratory Department, University of Benin, Edo State, Nigeria, who supervised the research work. We will not fail to acknowledge Dr. Oboma Yibala and Mr. Chukwuma Anekwe for their technical support.


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How to Cite this paper?

APA-7 Style
Onuoha, E.C., Hallie, E.F., Edeh, F.K. (2023). Prophylactic Potential of Tender Coconut Water on Haematology Disorder in Benzene-Induced Lymphoid Malignancy in Wister Rats. Pharmacologia, 14(1), 40-49.

ACS Style
Onuoha, E.C.; Hallie, E.F.; Edeh, F.K. Prophylactic Potential of Tender Coconut Water on Haematology Disorder in Benzene-Induced Lymphoid Malignancy in Wister Rats. Pharmacologia 2023, 14, 40-49.

AMA Style
Onuoha EC, Hallie EF, Edeh FK. Prophylactic Potential of Tender Coconut Water on Haematology Disorder in Benzene-Induced Lymphoid Malignancy in Wister Rats. Pharmacologia. 2023; 14(1): 40-49.

Chicago/Turabian Style
Onuoha, Emmanuel, Chinedu, Ezekiel Fayiah Hallie, and Favour Kelechi Edeh. 2023. "Prophylactic Potential of Tender Coconut Water on Haematology Disorder in Benzene-Induced Lymphoid Malignancy in Wister Rats" Pharmacologia 14, no. 1: 40-49.